2次元配列を2つ使う、それぞれA, Bとしたら
- Aにmapのすべてのセルの状態(色の有無)を入れる
- BにはAを使ってセルの探査結果を入れる
4x2のmap(赤枠)で(0, 0)だけ色付きのセル
'現在のmapの状態を返す '生存セルならTrue、それ以外ならFalseを格納した2次元配列を返す Function GetState() As Boolean() Dim map As Range Set map = Range("map") '2次元配列を作成、これにセルの状態を入れる Dim rc As Long, cc As Long rc = map.Rows.Count - 1 cc = map.Columns.Count - 1 Dim v() As Boolean ReDim v(rc, cc) Dim x As Long, y As Long For x = 0 To rc For y = 0 To cc 'false 0, true -1,塗りつぶしなしなら0、色付きなら-1 v(x, y) = map.Cells(x + 1, y + 1).Interior.ColorIndex <> xlColorIndexNone Next Next GetState = v End Function
2次元配列はセルの並びと同じ感じでx, yの座標みたいになるので
色付きならTrue、なしならFalseをいれるようにしてあるので(0, 0)の要素だけTrueが入っている
' ループなし
Function GetNextLifePointNoLoop() As Long() Dim st() As Boolean st = GetState '現在のmapの状態を取得 Dim rc As Long, cc As Long rc = UBound(st, 1) 'RowsCount cc = UBound(st, 2) 'ColumnCount Dim x As Long, y As Long, LifeP As Long Dim xx As Long, yy As Long Dim v() As Long '配列 ReDim v(UBound(st, 1), UBound(st, 2)) For x = 0 To rc For y = 0 To cc LifeP = 0 For i = -1 To 1 For j = -1 To 1 'Offset位置の調整、配列の外側に出たらなにもしない xx = x + i yy = y + j If Not (i = 0 And j = 0) Then If Not (xx < 0 Or xx > rc Or yy < 0 Or yy > cc) Then If st(xx, yy) = True Then LifeP = LifeP + 1 '色付きならカウントアップ End If End If End If Next j Next i 'カウントを記入 v(x, y) = LifeP Next Next GetNextLifePointNoLoop = v End Function
(0, 2)と(1, 2)が3で自身は空白だからこの2つが黒になって
エクセルVBAでライフゲームその2のコードと名前の付いたセル範囲の一覧作成マクロ ( ソフトウェア ) - 午後わてんのブログ - Yahoo!ブログ
Private IsRunning As Boolean 'ターン進行中フラグ Private pauseGame As Boolean '中止フラグ '周囲8セルと自身セルの塗りつぶしの有無で生存判定 '生存ならそれぞれ+1、自身が生存なら+10 Function GetLifePoint(r As Range) As Long Dim xx As Long, yy As Long For xx = -1 To 1 For yy = -1 To 1 If r.Offset(yy, xx).Interior.ColorIndex <> xlColorIndexNone Then If xx = 0 And yy = 0 Then life = life + 10 Else life = life + 1 End If End If Next Next GetLifePoint = life End Function '1世代進む Sub NextGeneration() If IsRunning = True Then Exit Sub IsRunning = True pauseGame = False If Range("mapのループ").Value = "あり" Then Call LifeGame(1, True) Else Call LifeGame(1, False) End If End Sub 'ゲーム開始 Sub GameStart() If IsRunning = True Then Exit Sub IsRunning = True pauseGame = False Dim t As Long t = Range("ターン数").Value If Range("mapのループ").Value = "あり" Then Call LifeGame(t, True) Else Call LifeGame(t, False) End If End Sub Sub LifeGame(t As Long, mapLoop As Boolean) 'グラフのクリア Dim lifeLog As Range Set lifeLog = Range("lifelog") lifeLog.Offset(1, 0).ClearContents 'lifeLog.ClearContents Dim cellC As Long, lc As Long lc = GetLifeCount生存数カウント cellC = Range("map").Cells.Count lifeLog.Cells(2, 1).Value = lc / cellC lifeLog.Cells(2, 2).Value = lc Dim ti As String ti = Range("ターン間隔").Value Dim lifeC As Long Dim NextLifePoint() As Long For i = 0 To t - 1 ' Dim ts As Single, te As Single '処理時間計測用 ' ts = Timer '次世代へ進める If mapLoop Then NextLifePoint = GetNextLifePoint '上下左右ループあり Else NextLifePoint = GetNextLifePointNoLoop '上下左右ループなし End If 'lifeC = nuri4(NextLifePoint) lifeC = nuri5(NextLifePoint) ' te = Timer - ts '処理時間計測用 ' Debug.Print (te & "秒") Range("nowtrun").Value = i + 1 '現在ターン表示更新 Range("lifecount").Value = lifeC '生存数表示更新 lifeLog.Cells(3 + i, 1).Value = lifeC / cellC lifeLog.Cells(3 + i, 2).Value = lifeC If lifeC = 0 Then Exit For '生存数0(全滅)ならループを抜ける If pauseGame Then Exit For '中止フラグチェック '表示更新間隔、待ち時間の挿入 If ti = "最速" Then '待ち時間なし ' Application.Wait [now() + "0:00:00.01"] 'ミリ秒単位 ElseIf ti = "速い(0.1秒)" Then Application.Wait [now() + "0:00:00.1"] 'ミリ秒単位 ElseIf ti = "普通(0.5秒)" Then Application.Wait [now() + "0:00:00.5"] ElseIf ti = "ゆっくり(1.0秒)" Then Application.Wait [now() + "0:00:01"] Else Application.Wait [now() + "0:00:00.5"] End If DoEvents 'これがないと画面の更新がされない Next IsRunning = False End Sub ''塗りつぶし4、色分け 誕生セルを黒、それ以外をだんだん赤く 'Function nuri4(nextLP() As Long) As Long ' Application.ScreenUpdating = False ' Dim map As Range ' Set map = Range("map") ' Dim r As Range ' Dim LifeP As Long, col As Long, lifeCount As Long ' Dim lifeLower As Long, lifeUpper As Long ' Dim lifeBirth As Long, lifeBirth2 As Long ' lifeLower = Range("下限").Value ' lifeUpper = Range("上限").Value ' lifeBirth = Range("誕生").Value ' If Range("誕生2").Value = "なし" Then ' lifeBirth2 = lifeBirth ' Else ' lifeBirth2 = Range("誕生2").Value ' End If ' '徐々に赤くするかどうか ' Dim colorChange As Boolean ' If Range("色変化").Value = "あり" Then ' colorChange = True ' Else ' colorChange = False ' End If ' ' For x = 0 To UBound(nextLP, 1) ' For y = 0 To UBound(nextLP, 2) ' - 1 ' Set r = map.Cells(x + 1, y + 1) ' ' LifeP = nextLP(x, y) ' If r.Interior.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone Then ' '塗りつぶしなしのセルの場合 ' If (LifeP = lifeBirth) Or (LifeP = lifeBirth2) Then ' '誕生 ' r.Interior.ColorIndex = 1 ' lifeCount = lifeCount + 1 ' End If ' Else ' '色付きセルの場合 ' If (LifeP <= lifeUpper And LifeP >= lifeLower) Then ' '生存維持 ' lifeCount = lifeCount + 1 ' If colorChange Then ' col = r.Interior.Color + 64 '徐々に赤く ' If col + LifeP > 256 Then ' r.Interior.Color = 255 ' Else ' r.Interior.Color = col ' End If ' Else ' r.Interior.ColorIndex = 1 '黒 ' End If ' Else ' r.Interior.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone ' End If ' End If ' Next ' Next ' ' Application.ScreenUpdating = True ' nuri4 = lifeCount 'End Function '塗りつぶし5 Function nuri5(nextLP() As Long) As Long '色の値設定 Dim myRed As Long, myGreen As Long, myBlue As Long, myCyan As Long myRed = 230: myGreen = CLng(256) * 200: myBlue = CLng(256) * CLng(256) * CLng(255) myCyan = (CLng(256) * CLng(256) * CLng(250)) + (CLng(256) * 230) Application.ScreenUpdating = False Dim map As Range Set map = Range("map") Dim r As Range Dim LifeP As Long, col As Long, lifeCount As Long Dim lifeLower As Long, lifeUpper As Long Dim lifeBirth As Long, lifeBirth2 As Long lifeLower = Range("下限").Value lifeUpper = Range("上限").Value lifeBirth = Range("誕生").Value If Range("誕生2").Value = "なし" Then lifeBirth2 = lifeBirth Else lifeBirth2 = Range("誕生2").Value End If '徐々に赤くするかどうか Dim colorChange As Boolean If Range("色変化").Value = "あり" Then colorChange = True Else colorChange = False End If Dim iro As String iro = Range("色").Value For x = 0 To UBound(nextLP, 1) For y = 0 To UBound(nextLP, 2) ' - 1 Set r = map.Cells(x + 1, y + 1) col = r.Interior.Color LifeP = nextLP(x, y) If r.Interior.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone Then '塗りつぶしなしのセルの場合 If (LifeP = lifeBirth) Or (LifeP = lifeBirth2) Then '誕生 lifeCount = lifeCount + 1 If colorChange Then r.Interior.ColorIndex = 1 Else Select Case iro Case "赤": r.Interior.Color = myRed Case "緑": r.Interior.Color = myGreen Case "青": r.Interior.Color = myBlue Case "水色": r.Interior.Color = myCyan Case Else: r.Interior.ColorIndex = 1 End Select End If End If Else '色付きセルの場合 If (LifeP <= lifeUpper And LifeP >= lifeLower) Then '生存維持 lifeCount = lifeCount + 1 If colorChange Then If iro = "赤" Then col = col + 64 If col > myRed Then col = myRed End If ElseIf iro = "緑" Then col = col + 256 * 64 '徐々に緑に If col > myGreen Then col = myGreen End If ElseIf iro = "青" Then col = col + CLng(256) * CLng(256) * 64 '徐々に青に If col > myBlue Then col = myBlue End If ElseIf iro = "水色" Then col = col + CLng(256) * CLng(256) * 64 + CLng(256) * 64 If col > myCyan Then col = myCyan End If End If r.Interior.Color = col Else Select Case iro Case "赤": r.Interior.Color = myRed Case "緑": r.Interior.Color = myGreen Case "青": r.Interior.Color = myBlue Case "水色": r.Interior.Color = myCyan Case Else: r.Interior.ColorIndex = 1 '黒 End Select End If Else '消滅 r.Interior.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone End If End If Next Next Application.ScreenUpdating = True nuri5 = lifeCount End Function '現在のmapの状態を返す '生存セルならTrue、それ以外ならFalseを格納した2次元配列を返す Function GetState() As Boolean() Dim map As Range Set map = Range("map") '2次元配列を作成、これにセルの状態を入れる Dim rc As Long, cc As Long rc = map.Rows.Count - 1 cc = map.Columns.Count - 1 Dim v() As Boolean ReDim v(rc, cc) Dim x As Long, y As Long For x = 0 To rc For y = 0 To cc 'false 0, true -1,塗りつぶしなしなら0、色付きなら-1 v(x, y) = map.Cells(x + 1, y + 1).Interior.ColorIndex <> xlColorIndexNone Next Next GetState = v End Function 'map全体を探査 '色付きの周囲セルの個数を格納した2次元配列を返す ' ループあり Function GetNextLifePoint() As Long() Dim st() As Boolean st = GetState '現在のmapの状態を取得 Dim rc As Long, cc As Long rc = UBound(st, 1) 'RowsCount cc = UBound(st, 2) 'ColumnCount Dim x As Long, y As Long, LifeP As Long Dim xx As Long, yy As Long Dim v() As Long '配列 ReDim v(UBound(st, 1), UBound(st, 2)) For x = 0 To rc For y = 0 To cc LifeP = 0 For i = -1 To 1 For j = -1 To 1 'Offset位置の調整、配列の外側に出たら反対側を参照 xx = x + i If xx = -1 Then xx = rc ElseIf xx > rc Then xx = 0 End If yy = y + j If yy = -1 Then yy = cc ElseIf yy > cc Then yy = 0 End If '色付きセルならlifeP+1 ' If st(xx, yy) = True And i = 0 And j = 0 Then '' LifeP = LifeP + 1 ' ElseIf st(xx, yy) = True Then ' LifeP = LifeP + 1 ' End If If Not (i = 0 And j = 0) Then If st(xx, yy) = True Then LifeP = LifeP + 1 '色付きならカウントアップ End If End If Next j Next i 'カウントを記入 v(x, y) = LifeP Next Next GetNextLifePoint = v End Function 'map全体を探査 '色付きの周囲セルの個数を格納した2次元配列を返す ' ループなし Function GetNextLifePointNoLoop() As Long() Dim st() As Boolean st = GetState '現在のmapの状態を取得 Dim rc As Long, cc As Long rc = UBound(st, 1) 'RowsCount cc = UBound(st, 2) 'ColumnCount Dim x As Long, y As Long, LifeP As Long Dim xx As Long, yy As Long Dim v() As Long '配列 ReDim v(UBound(st, 1), UBound(st, 2)) For x = 0 To rc For y = 0 To cc LifeP = 0 For i = -1 To 1 For j = -1 To 1 'Offset位置の調整、配列の外側に出たらなにもしない xx = x + i yy = y + j If Not (i = 0 And j = 0) Then If Not (xx < 0 Or xx > rc Or yy < 0 Or yy > cc) Then If st(xx, yy) = True Then LifeP = LifeP + 1 '色付きならカウントアップ End If End If End If Next j Next i 'カウントを記入 v(x, y) = LifeP Next Next GetNextLifePointNoLoop = v End Function 'マップの範囲変更、選択範囲をライフゲームの範囲にする Sub ChangeMapRange() If IsRunning = True Then Exit Sub If TypeName(Selection) <> "Range" Then Exit Sub If Selection.Areas.Count > 1 Then MsgBox "複数の選択範囲は選べない" Exit Sub End If Dim r As Range Set r = Selection 'セルD3より上か右のセルが選択されていたら変更しないで終了 If TypeName(Intersect(r, Range("1:2"))) = "Range" Then MsgBox "セルD3より左か上のセルが選択されているので変更できません" Exit Sub End If If TypeName(Intersect(r, Range("A:C"))) = "Range" Then MsgBox "セルD3より左か上のセルが選択されているので変更できません" Exit Sub End If If MsgBox("選択範囲をライフゲームの範囲に変更します", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then Dim rA As Range 'mapA Set rA = Range("map") ad = rA.Address rA.ClearFormats '古い範囲の書式をクリア '範囲の変更と新しい範囲に枠線 Set rA = Selection rA.Name = "map" rA.Borders.Color = RGB(200, 200, 200) '灰色罫線 rA.BorderAround , xlThin, 3 '赤枠 Range("セル数").Value = Range("map").Cells.Count 'セル数表示更新 Range("lifecount").Value = 0 Worksheets("lifegameA").Calculate End If End Sub 'クリア、全セル塗りつぶしなし Sub ClearColor() If IsRunning = True Then Exit Sub '進行中はクリアしない Range("map").Interior.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone 'グラフのクリア Dim lifeLog As Range Set lifeLog = Range("lifelog") lifeLog.Offset(1, 0).ClearContents End Sub '生存数カウント Function GetLifeCount生存数カウント() As Long Dim r As Range Dim life As Long For Each r In Range("map") If r.Interior.ColorIndex <> xlColorIndexNone Then life = life + 1 End If Next GetLifeCount生存数カウント = life End Function '初期配置 Sub initial初期配置() If IsRunning = True Then Exit Sub Dim r As Range Set r = Range("map") r.Interior.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone Dim rr As Range For Each rr In r Randomize If Rnd < Range("liferacio").Value Then '0.2なら約2割のセルを黒で塗る rr.Interior.ColorIndex = 1 End If Next Range("lifecount").Value = GetLifeCount生存数カウント End Sub 'ルールリセット Sub ResetRule() Range("下限").Value = 2 Range("上限").Value = 3 Range("誕生").Value = 3 Range("誕生2").Value = "なし" End Sub '中止 Sub tyuusi中止() pauseGame = True End Sub Sub colortest() ' With iRGB ' .iRed = myColor Mod 256 ' .iGreen = Int(myColor / 256) Mod 256 ' .iBlue = Int(myColor / 256 / 256) ' End With Dim c As Long c = ActiveCell.Interior.Color c = CLng(256) * CLng(200) c = 16386 r = c Mod 256 g = Int(c / 256) Mod 256 b = Int(c / 256 / 256) End Sub